Monday, December 2, 2013

Will I abandon my Filofax?

I am guilty. Don't send me to the jail, all my readers- Filofax-lovers! I am trying an electronic calendar, something that I already have in my Samsung Galaxy Note II.
I know people who went from Filofax to an e-calendar and back, and I don't really know why they  had switched to Filofax back again?

The obvious advantage of an e-calendar over paper is:
A) not rewriting the same appointments over and over again,  and
B) reminders (with sound alarm if you wish) and when you wish to have them.

The advantage of the paper is to see everything at a glance (really? What about seeing the whole month and week st a glance in e-calendar? Probably I could see that my time is reserved,  but in one click I could see the appointment's detail also).

So, what I want to know from you, my readers, is what are your experiences with switching paper and electronics? What do you prefer and why?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My week 48/52 in my filofax

These are the philofaxy inserts that I have transformed into my own. I made the same kind of inserts in my A 5 Filofax Calipso and Malden this fall. I divided my life into 6 categories: family, socialfi  money, my personal, everything else. And I write my everyday routine, tasks and to do's according to these categories. It makes my life easier in terms of understanding of what my life consists of and on which part of my life I spent too much or too little time.  I highlighted these areas using my colorcoding system that I have already written about.
There are appointments on the top of the pages. There are other tasks in the middle that don't belong to any category.  Probablly the main reason why I use my own form is that i can find any info that I need to find.
For decoration I have used my first washi tape sent me by Rebecca!  I love it!! Isn't it cool???

Here is the video for this week:

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