I came to my mom's house, where I haven't been in two years, and I found a ring binder in a personal size. I forgot about it completely. And I forgot about my goals and projects that I've written two years ago and left inside of this binder, at my mom's house, miles away from me. It meant that I couldn't look inside the binder, I couldn't remember what I have written, I couldn't look it all up to remind me what I wanted to accomplish!
I was astonished. Goals that I couldn't even imagine how to start and where to have a starting point, let alone how to finish/accomplish them, that's how unrealistic they have been for me, almost all of them, have touchable, real, finished boundaries, they are clear on how to make them happen now!
It also was a good check on what I unconsciously considered was worth to work on, and what wasn't.
That was the point when I started to use my filofax again. A little bit later, I made another "eurica"moment. While I was writing in my Filofax, I realized how I was lacking rings! I could write each of my project and goal on a SEPARATE sheet of paper, and leave it like that to work on it later. For some unexplainable reason, it didn't work in my Midori Traveler's Notebooks! Probably, the physical boundaries of the bound notebook has kept me from writing out each and every project tgat I wanted to do. I was afraid to use up the notebook, the I would needed to rewrite them all again! And I needed to reshuffle pages in order to organize them in a logical order!
What I did right after that was cutting the pages for my filofax. A lot of them. Damn, I don't let paper to dictate me what to write and how to write!
P.S. I didn't stop using my Midori Traveler's Notebook, I use it for my journal writing! Filofax is good for planning and goals and projects setting, and Midori is good for journal writing because I need a lot of pages for it and rings prevent me from writing on the left side of pages!
Now I'm happy!
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I was astonished. Goals that I couldn't even imagine how to start and where to have a starting point, let alone how to finish/accomplish them, that's how unrealistic they have been for me, almost all of them, have touchable, real, finished boundaries, they are clear on how to make them happen now!
It also was a good check on what I unconsciously considered was worth to work on, and what wasn't.
That was the point when I started to use my filofax again. A little bit later, I made another "eurica"moment. While I was writing in my Filofax, I realized how I was lacking rings! I could write each of my project and goal on a SEPARATE sheet of paper, and leave it like that to work on it later. For some unexplainable reason, it didn't work in my Midori Traveler's Notebooks! Probably, the physical boundaries of the bound notebook has kept me from writing out each and every project tgat I wanted to do. I was afraid to use up the notebook, the I would needed to rewrite them all again! And I needed to reshuffle pages in order to organize them in a logical order!
What I did right after that was cutting the pages for my filofax. A lot of them. Damn, I don't let paper to dictate me what to write and how to write!
P.S. I didn't stop using my Midori Traveler's Notebook, I use it for my journal writing! Filofax is good for planning and goals and projects setting, and Midori is good for journal writing because I need a lot of pages for it and rings prevent me from writing on the left side of pages!
Now I'm happy!
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